Heart Disease and Stroke

"Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Together, heart disease and stroke are among the most widespread and costly health problems facing the Nation today, accounting for more than $500 billion in health care expenditures and related expenses in 2010 alone. Fortunately, they are also among the most preventable."*

There are six major modifiable risk factors for heart disease and stroke:

Signs and Symptoms of an Impending Heart Attack

“A Heart attack occurs when the blood flow that brings oxygen to the heart muscle is severely reduced or stopped.”**

Every 34 seconds, a heart attack strikes someone.

It is important to know signs and symptoms in case a heart attack occurs.
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Chest Discomfort
  • Possible discomfort in arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach
  • Cold sweat
  • Nausea
  • Lightheadedness
You may not know if it’s a heart attack, because sometimes the signs and symptoms are so mild, but if you have even the slightest worry, get it checked out! Other times, heart attacks can be obvious, and fast actions save lives! CALL 9-1-1 as soon as possible! Time is vital.
Both men and women will usually have chest pain, but women are more likely to have some of the other signs and symptoms, particularly back or jaw pain, shortness of breath, and nausea/vomiting.
Know the signs, save lives, call 9-1-1.

Stroke Prevention

Did you know 80% of all strokes are preventable?  Studies have shown that the risk of having a stroke can be significantly reduced by working with your healthcare team.

How do I know I’m at risk for a stroke?
Know the Risk Factors; you are more likely to have a stroke if you have any of the following conditions:

Non-modifiable Risk Factors:
  • Age- individuals over 55 are at greater risk to have a stroke
  • Gender- females have a slightly higher risk than males to have a stroke
  • Race/Ethnicity: African American and Hispanic/Latino Americans are at a greater risk.

Modifiable Risk Factors:
  • Atherosclerosis 
  • Diabetes 
  • Alcohol use 
  • Birth Control Pills 
  • Previous family history of Stroke 
  • Hypercoagulability High 
  • Cholesterol 
  • High Blood Pressure 
  • Obesity 
  • Migraines 
  • Patent foramen ovale 
  • Sleep apnea 
  • Sickle cell disease 
  • Tobacco use/smoking 
  • Transient Ischemic Attack
  • Atrial Fibrillation 
  • Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy

What Can I do to Decrease my Risk?
You can decrease your risk for having a stroke by altering your modifiable risk factors by doing the following:
  • Have your blood pressure checked yearly: Hypertension is one of the leading causes for strokes and is classified as 140/90 mmHg. Maintain a blood pressure around 120/80 mmHg.
  • Stop smoking and limit/control Alcohol to no more than two drinks a day. Smoking doubles the risk of stroke because it damages blood vessels, speeds up artery clogging, raises blood pressure, and makes the heart work harder.
  • Talk with your healthcare provider if you have concerns about your heart conditions. Atrial fibrillation, transient ischemic attacks, and circulation problems should be diagnosed and treated.
  • Know your Cholesterol Levels. Cholesterol is a fatty substance in your blood that is made by the body. High levels of cholesterol can clog arteries and cause a stroke. Consult your doctor if your cholesterol levels are higher than 200.
  • Manage your diabetes: proper diet and blood glucose levels should be under constant supervision. Consult with your dietician or physician.
  • Manage your weight with proper exercise and diet. Maintain a low calorie diet, and avoid salty foods, saturated and trans fats and cholesterol. Exercise five times weekly.

How do I know I’ve had a stroke?

Warning signs of a stroke? Act FAST
Know the signs and symptoms:
F-Face: can you smile?  Does one side of your face droop?
A-Arms: can you raise both arms?  Does one arm drift downward when both are raised?
S-Speech: Can you speak normally?  Ask the individual to repeat a simple phrase and look for slurred or strange speech
T-Time: If you notice any of the above symptoms, call 911 immediately.

Other symptoms include:
  • Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg,
  • Sudden confusion or altered understanding,
  • Sudden trouble walking, seeing, or severe headache with no known cause
Note the time when the first symptoms appear to help the healthcare team help you!



  1. This webpage is so impressive!!! I feel like it is very professional with excellent use of aesthetics! I find it interesting and interactive. The information is complete and organized with multiple medias and learning styles incorporated. One of the greatest strengths I see is the organization of the information. The whole page layout was pleasing to the eye! I felt engaged during my whole exploration of the information. The greatest weakness I could see was the information was all on one page, but you made that work pretty well. I feel like your blog was the best (aside from mine, of course)! Overall, excellent work!

  2. Wow, great blog! I loved the information you included and it was easy to read and navigate. Good use of video and graphics. Loved that you included the F.A.S.T acronym. If I had to suggest something I would suggest maybe adding a section about life after a stroke to help those you have already suffered from one. But I like how you focused on prevention. Stop it before it happens! It was great and I loved it!!! Awesome job.

  3. Great job on your webpage. I feel like it was very appropriate for the targeted audience, that it was simple and well organized so it was easy to navigate through the blog without having to click through a ton of links which I think could actually be helpful and less frustrating to elderly patients with it all being on the same page. I feel like the visuals you used were fantastic and the strength with this blog is that it is easy to read and the bolding in red helped to point out the most important information for the reader. The only critique would be along the lines of what Karyn said in that it would be good to probably post information of how to live after these events occur.

  4. • Completeness and organization of the information
    SO organized! I love how its organized. The information flows so well.
    • Appropriateness of the information for the learning audience
    Very appropriate for the elderly. Elderly need to know the s/s of MI and stroke and what to do. Time can mean so much in these cases!
    • Aesthetics of the webpage
    Very, very aesthetically pleasing. It looks so cool and professional. I have no idea how you made your cool logo with the stethoscope heart, but its cool. The pictures and videos break it up very nice. I like your FAST acronym in red letters.
    • Strengths of the webpage
    Professional, GREAT info and topic, visually pleasing
    • Something they could have done better
    It is kind of short but I think that actually is a strength. The information is so great and there is no fluff.

  5. Completeness and organization of the information- This is such great quick resource for people who might be afraid they are having a heart attack or stroke! It is so well organized and I like how it is in a lot of bullet points making it easy to read and get answers fast.
    Appropriateness of the information for the learning audience- This is something that everyone should know the leading signs and symptoms to get medical help as quickly as possible.
    Aesthetics of the webpage- really cute and I love the simpleness of it and the design. The white and red layout makes it seem really professional and clean/organized.
    Strengths of the webpage- a great resource! very informative and helpful!
    Something they could have done better- better top of the page to make look less like a bunch of advertisements at the beginning.

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